DivE In: August 2023

DivE In is your monthly source to learn about diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) news, events and stories. Follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter to be notified when a blogpost is published. If you have any opportunities or news to share, please email programs(at)venturelabs.ca

This month’s blog highlights Indigenous entrepreneurs. A 2018 survey done by Vancity reported that 48% of Indigenous entrepreneurs experience systemic barriers to starting their business. We have curated a number of resources and current funding opportunities to help aid them in starting and growing their business, highlighting the incredible work of entrepreneurs, and current events happening!


First Citizens Fund Business Loan Program

Business loans are available to Indigenous entrepreneurs in British Columbia. All Nations Trust Company (ANTCO) delivers the Aboriginal Business Loan Program in partnership with four Aboriginal Capital Corporations located throughout the province. Read more here.

Mission from MaRS Climate Technology Venture Diversity Award

Are you an early-stage venture that has the potential to greatly reduce GHG emissions and is led by someone from one of four designated diversity groups: A racialized group, people living with disabilities, Indigenous peoples and individuals who identify as women, 2SLGBTQ+, and/or are gender diverse. Applications close September 8, 2023. Read more here.

Supporting Indigenous Entrepreneurs

Grow your business as BDC offers the Indigenous Entrepreneur Loan with financing of up to $350,000 to grow or scale your business. Learn more here.

An Introduction to Decolonizing and Reconciling Entrepreneurship

What role do businesses have to play in the process of reconciliation? Learn more about practical steps business owners can take to tackle decolonization here.


  • Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB) is back in Vancouver for the Indigenous Women in Leadership Forum (IWIL) & Evening Reception, and West Coast Business Forum & Award Dinner. Register for one or both events to enhance your experience of networking and a focus on vital topics for a thriving indigenous economy. 
  • Aug 26 – The UNAFRAID Retail Summit is a free virtual platform to unite women entrepreneurs and the entrepreneurship ecosystem to learn from one another, work together, and move each other forward by sharing our UNAFRAID vision, approach and intentions for equitable, inclusive and sustainable growth for the next generation of entrepreneurs. Register here.
  • Sep 18 – 19 – The 2nd annual Indigenomics SHE Conference takes place at the Fairmont Hotel in Winnipeg, MB. Attendees include Indigenous women entrepreneurs and those in finance, economic development and allies creating value in the Indigenous economic reconciliation space. Register here.
  • Oct 5 Join Small Business BC’s community to network with fellow business owners and learn critical skills to help your business flourish in a changing economy. To register for the return of Build. Grow. Thrive., a day of free education and networking, click here.


Loan client, success story: Maureen Edwards, Wood Dragon Counselling, Powell River

  • Maureen Edwards is providing a space for community members to work toward mental well-being at Wood Dragon Counselling.

Rose Paul Receives 2023 Indigenous Women in Leadership Award

  • Rose Paul, CEO of Bayside Development Corporation, the business arm of Pagtnkek Mi’kmaw Nation, receives the 2023 Indigenous Women in Leadership (IWIL) award.

Breaking Barriers: Indigenous Women Entrepreneurship & the Power of Community

  • Indigenous women entrepreneurs who are supporting their communities while making their mark and helping thousands feel more comfortable in their own skin joined together to share their stories.

Mikwam Makwa Ikwe (Ice Bear Woman): A National Needs Analysis on Indigenous Women’s Entrepreneurship

  • The report builds a comprehensive description of the barriers and challenges that Indigenous women face as they develop their enterprises. Give it a read to learn more about the rich stories shared by Indigenous women entrepreneurs about their successes, challenges, and aspirations for future entrepreneurial endeavors.


The WEKH See It. Be It. Database spotlights the stories of women entrepreneurs making an impact.

Dana Shelene Foster is a media-tech entrepreneur based in British Columbia. She is the owner of Foster Media Group, a communications agency that delivers life skills and coaching programs to Indigenous communities. Dana is a graduate of the University of Victoria’s Northwest Aboriginal Canadian Entrepreneurs (NW-ACE) program and she studied broadcasting at Columbia Academy in Vancouver. She previously worked with television and radio networks like Bell Media, before launching Foster Media Group in 2013. Her business was a semi-finalist in the British Columbia Pow Wow Pitch in 2021. Dana is also the founder of The Women’s Online Network, which connects women entrepreneurs in Canada.

VentureLabs has partnered with Toronto Metropolitan University’s Diversity Institute as a BC partner for the 50 – 30 Challenge.


The Challenge is aimed at advancing gender parity and increasing diversity on boards and in senior leadership roles. The aim:

  • 50% of board seats and leadership roles held by women and non-binary people
  • 30% of board seats and leadership roles held by members of other under-represented and/or equity-seeking groups (including racialized, Black and/or people of colour, people with disabilities, LGBTQ2+ people, and Indigenous people)

VentureLabs is proud to be the Regional Hub for the Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub (WEKH) in BC. We are driven to create a more inclusive and supportive environment to grow women’s entrepreneurship in Canada. We challenge stereotypes, overcome barriers, and bring resources together in support of women entrepreneurs.

WEKH is a Government of Canada initiative that brings together service providers, programs, partners, and research across Canada in support of women entrepreneurs.

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