Team Motivation: Situational Leadership
An in-person half-day workshop facilitated by Claire Simpkins of Tekara that covers the Situational Leadership side of Team Motivation.
Learn about leadership approaches and behaviours that inspire and motivate others to high performance.
Understand Situational Leadership theory – there is no single “best” style of leadership; the most successful leaders are those that adapt their leadership style to the task at hand and the competence, confidence and level of commitment of the individual or group they are attempting to lead/influence.
Practice applying the 4-quadrant Situational Leadership model.
Acetech Member – FREE!
Leadership Team – $15 per person; max of 2 per member company
Regular Ticket (non-member) – $149
Members can email chelsea@acetechleadership.com for the promocodes to access your FREE member ticket and discounted leadership team tickets.
Claire Simpkins has 20 years of experience as a consultant, facilitator and professional coach in areas related to organization effectiveness and leadership development. She also brings a decade of experience in talent and career management, and executive search. Claire’s strength is helping leaders develop their interpersonal effectiveness through improved communication. Claire will deliver the session on Situational Leadership on September 16th.

Event Details
Team Motivation: Situational Leadership
September 16, 2021 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
SFU VentureLabs
555 W Hastings Street 11th Floor Suite 1100
Tekara Organizational Effectiveness Inc