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Learn How to Use the FWE/WEKH “Ask/Give” Platform!

“Ask and you shall receive”: A new sharing platform for women entrepreneurs in Canada is here!

SFU VentureLabs is pleased to be the BC regional hub for WEKH and present a free walk-through of how to use the new Sharing Platform via this interactive Zoom webinar on August 20th at 11 am. 

We’ve put together a special informative webinar for you to become more familiar with the Ask/Give Platform. Hosted by SFU VentureLabs and to be conducted through Zoom, this is a special interactive training session you don’t want to miss!

More about the Sharing “Ask/Give” Platform:

Do you or your business have a specific need that Canada’s women entrepreneurship ecosystem can help you fill? The new WEKH/FWE: Sharing Platform, a new portal for women entrepreneurs to connect with other entrepreneurs and service providers across the country, was created specifically with that need in mind!

The WEKH/FWE: Sharing Platform, built by SheEO, is a free online tool designed for women entrepreneurs and the organizations that support them to connect and share resources they need to succeed through COVID-19 and beyond.

For more information on WEKH BC, please visit https://venturelabs.ca/wekh-partner/

For more information on WEKH National, please visit wekh.ca.


Event Details

Learn How to Use the FWE/WEKH “Ask/Give” Platform!

August 20, 2020 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Online Webinar

SFU VentureLabs
