Sales Primer | Designing Scalable Sales Campaigns
Building a revenue engine from scratch is a daunting task. Building a revenue engine that’s predictable, manageable, scalable, and profitable is an even bigger challenge. And yet the single most critical success factor for any venture start-up is its ability to sell. Investors know this. Which is why they rigorously scrutinize how close you are to “Sales-Ready.”
Leading your company’s revenue function requires you to learn the core components behind viable, scalable sales campaigns, including:
Sales Goals — Set realistic sales goals aligned with your budget and revenue targets, and track key performance indicators to make it happen.
Sales Process — Design a sales process that minimizes cost-effort and maximizes conversions.
Sales Effort – Estimate the activities and hours necessary to properly execute and manage your sales and marketing program.
Sales Team – Understand the talent, timing and compensation of key hires for your sales team.
Sales Spend – Determine the financial investment required in your team, resources, and program elements to reach your revenue target.
Through years of experience designing proven revenue strategies, Colin McWhinnie and Chris Stairs have developed a practical Sales PrimerSystem for success. This system helps founders learn where they have gaps, and discover how to rapidly formulate a proper, predictable, and consistent sales program that will win them customers and cash. Colin and Chris will illustrate their recommended approach through various B2B case models, including self-serve SaaS, enterprise platforms, and physical device.
Whether starting or scaling, the Sales Primer System helps (B2B) ventures accelerate their revenue generation by teaching entrepreneurs the precise way to design their sales campaigns, and systemize their sales efforts. Founders are using the Sales Primer System to:
Include in an investment package to raise money.
Set and manage clear expectations for their marketing and sales team.
Hire the right people at the right time to support their growth.
Communicate a clear revenue plan and status to their Board.
Understand the effort, resources, and money required to scale.

Event Details
Sales Primer | Designing Scalable Sales Campaigns
May 27, 2021 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Online Event
Vancouver Startup Week